State of the State Reports
The State of the State Reports are annual reports concerning the assessment of Mental Health Services Act implementation and the identification of solution-based recommendations to reduce disparities.State of the State I: Penetration Rates 2010-2011 In this, first annual “State of the State” report, the California MHSA Multicultural Coalition reviewed one of the most relied upon mechanisms by states and counties to identify inappropriate gaps and disparities in care; penetration rate data.
State of the State II: Armenian & Deaf/Hard of Hearing Communities In this, the second “State of the State” report, the California Mental Health Services Act Multicultural Coalition (CMMC) takes a qualitative approach to exploring disparities. The two groups selected for this report are Armenian Americans and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.
Armenian Power Point (Carlsbad, CA)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Fact Sheet
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Powerpoint (Carlsbad, CA)
State of the State III: Russian Speaking, Middle Eastern, and Southwest Asian Communities In this, the third “State of the State” report, the CMMC explores the needs and challenges of three groups: Russian-speaking, Middle Eastern, and Southwest Asian communities.
Russian Speaking Powerpoint Part 1 of 2(Carlsbad, CA)
Russian Speaking Powerpoint Part 2 of 2 (Carlsbad, CA)
Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian Communities Fact Sheet
Middle Eastern Powerpoint (Carlsbad, CA)
State of the State IV: Refugee/Asylees and Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities In this, the fourth “State of the State” report, the CMMC explores the needs and challenges of two groups: Refugee/Asylee communities (RA) and Individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual challenges (DDIC).
Refugees and Asylees Powerpoint (Carlsbad, CA)
Developmental Disabilities and Intellectual Challenges Fact Sheet
Developmental Disabilities and Intellectual Challenges Powerpoint (Carlsbad, CA)
CMMC Policy Positions
What's @ Stake?: Office Of Multicultural Services Split ISSUE: Governor Brown’s 2012-2013 budget proposal has Trailer Bill Language seeking to split the functions and responsibilities of the Office of Multicultural Services (OMS) between Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and Department of Public Health (DPH).
What's @ Stake?: $60 Million Earmarked for PEI ISSUE: There are $60 million earmarked for the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) statewide project for disparity reduction, the California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP).